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John Kelleher authors the Rhode Island Chapter in 2016 Uninsured Motorist/UIM Compendium
published by Defense Research Institute.
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John Kelleher Authors the Rhode Island Chapter in the 2016 Uninsured Motorist/UM Compendium
July 2016
Defense Research Institute has just published its 2016 UM/UIM Compendium. John Kelleher wrote the Rhode Island chapter of the Compendium. The Compendium addresses the latest developments on topics relevant to UM/UIM coverage. Topics include whether UM/UIM coverage is mandatory, whether stacking is allowed or required and which if any offsets against coverage are allowed. The Compendium addresses these questions in each of the fifty states, as well as the District of Columbia.
Compendium authors were selected based upon their breath and depth of experience and knowledge in defending against bad faith actions. The Compendium is available for purchase at the DRI store. For a copy of the Rhode Island Chapter of the Compendium, please write to us at